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Recap on reinforcement learning
Case 1: a model for the environment is known.
Bellman equation can be used to calculate various quantities like the value function
Control! Optimal value function
Policy evaluation: update value function based on policy vk+1(s)=a∑πk(a∣s)(Rsa+γs′∑Pss′avk(s′))
Policy improvement using greedy approach: argmaxa[Rsa+γs′∑Pss′avk+1(s′)]
Case 2: model-free learning
For cases where the environment is too large to be completely evaluated or simply unknown
Learn based on Monte-Carlo sampling
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Temporal-difference backup
Policy gradient
Policy function may be approximated using a neural network
This allows using gradient methods to improve the policy
θ: parameterization of π.
Example π(a∣s,θ)=∑aeϕ(s,a)⊤θeϕ(s,a)⊤θ
ϕ(s,a): vector of features; (ϕ1(s,a),…,ϕk(s,a)).
Policy gradient theorem (see notes)
Gradient used to update weights θ: ∇θJ(θ)∝Eπ[Gt∇θlnπ(At∣St,θ)]
Gt: discounted reward (MC sampling)
π(At∣St,θ): parameterized policy
There is a coefficient of proportionality but this is not important for gradient algorithms
REINFORCE algorithm
Repeat until convergence:
Generate an episode S0, A0, R1,...,RT
using policy pi(theta)
For each step t of this episode:
G <- return at step t
Update theta using the eq. REINFORCE
AlphaGo: computer program that defeated a Go world champion. Arguably the strongest Go player in history.